365 Day Song Challenge: Day 109 – “Say Hey (I Love You)”

Day 109: A song you like from someone you consider a one hit wonder.

“Say Hey (I Love You)”
Michael Franti & Spearhead (featuring Cherine Anderson)

Say Hey (I Love You)To be clear, I am not the only one who considers Michael Franti & Spearhead to be a one-hit wonder. When I went looking for lists of one-hit wonders on Wikipedia, there they were on the list. Along with many, many, many, many (can I stop now?) others.

The sad thing is that I like a whole bunch of the people on those lists. And not necessarily just for the song in question (although in plenty of cases it is just for the song in question). Since the Hot 100 chart and I tend to disagree on a lot of things, I don’t discriminate based on chart placement. In some cases (like a-ha to name just one), I have numerous albums from someone who the singles charts have only recognized once. Read More