365 Day Song Challenge: Day 136 – “Stairway To Heaven”

Day 136: A song that you feel is highly overrated.

“Stairway To Heaven” – Led Zeppelin

Stairway To HeavenI’m once again opening myself up to hate mail.

People act like Led Zeppelin are a sacred rock institution. Like cows to Hindus. Immune to criticism. Free of imperfections. Thus, any perceived slight to Led Zeppelin leads to flames and insults.

Led Zeppelin was a good band. Even though they’re not one of my favorites, I would probably even go so far as to say they were great. But not so great that they warrant one-(or multiple-) hour-long “Get the Led Out” marathons on classic rock stations. Do we really need to spend 4% of each day listening to the same 14 songs we’ve heard a million times?

It’s just a little much. Read More